به وب سایت یک نویسنده‌مهندس خوش آمدید

با کمک من، نام‌تان بیش از جان‌تان زنده خواهدماند.

?Why writing

Writing has always been my best friend. The one who has never left me although I have, for many years.

It has been my compass. I was lost without it and with it I am found.

 It has been my jinny. A generous one that has granted me many of my wishes.

It has been my therapist. The one that listened to me without judgment. It bore my rage, my tears and my joy with compassion and patients.

It has been the one constant throughout my life. So, I could say writing is my true partner, to  have and to hold, from as long as I have known myself, for better, for worse, for richer,  for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.

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