May 24, 2023: 3/3/1402
Back in college days, I had a classmate whom asking to give any information was like torcher for her. I remember vividly once we had an oral exam and she went in first. After coming out she didn’t give us any clue as in what the professor asked about and how the exam was conducted. Such a stingy bitch!
I’ve also had a colleague who was kind of the same. I had to squeeze him as to get a small piece of info on a project or how to work something out. He was older and had more experience but was and I believe still is a stingy bastard.
I really don’t get these people. What’s wrong with giving away something you know that could help someone else? What’s wrong with showing the way or giving feedback? Would it hurt you physically or cut some part of you off?
And there are those who think being all mysterious and hidden is so attractive. Those with no profile pictures to see if you are looking at the right person. I give you an example. I found an old neighbor once and I wanted to see if I have the right person. I checked her profile and among 80 pictures of her children, there was no picture of her. Now how the hell am I supposed to know if you are the person I’m looking for?
And those with no pictures at all or flower pics or animal pics. For heaven’s sake, most people don’t give a damn about what you look like and those who give a shit, would love to see what you look like. There is a difference between being private and annoyingly secretive.
And there are social accounts with strange ids with the only purpose of spying on others and not giving anything of themselves. A little curiosity is not wrong but spying on people? I’d say block them all.
Some are always taking and not giving anything back. Always calculating your worth so they could give accordingly if and only if they decide to grant you with something. The balance should always lean on their side.
Good thing, there are generous people still around. Those who give what they know as to help others unconditionally. Those are the true teachers. Doesn’t matter if the charge you for it. Knowledge and experience better be shared as to make a better world, a kinder world, an expanded world where everyone has a chance of learning and not repeating the same mistakes.
Though I do like to be stingy with stingy people, I rather be generous. Generosity and honesty goes a long way as secrets and hiding behind anything won’t get you far.
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